About DBC
The DBC Active Spine and Shoulder Treatment System, used for treatment of long-term back, neck and shoulder problems was developed in Finland over the past 20 years. Today, the DBC network provides treatment in more than 22 countries on five continents, with an extensive network of treatment centres in South Africa.

Back & Neck programme
The DBC Back and Neck programme is based on a scientifically proven treatment protocol. This treatment protocol is applied worldwide to treat and manage back and neck conditions that often involve prolonged and severe pain.
If patients carry out controlled targeted exercises correctly, their muscle endurance, strength and range of motion improve. Pain can also be reduced, thanks to amongst others the reduction of fear and dispelling of common misconceptions regarding chronic pain. Benefits extend even to the most severe cases.
Two key elements are combined in the DBC functional rehabilitation programme: progressive physical conditioning and cognitive behavioural treatment.